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On-Camera Techniques
for Musicians

In "On-Camera Techniques for Musicians," you'll learn how to best present yourself while performing and teaching on digital platforms. Learn from a seasoned on-camera actor how to set up a home studio with recording equipment, choose clothing that pops on camera, prepare for virtual auditions, and perform for video without compromising technique. 


From the Stage to the Office: Vocal Health Tips and Tricks for the Professional

Today's working professionals use their voices all day long, which can lead to vocal fatigue and strain. This program will teach you how to combat this, with tips and tricks to maintain good vocal health and stamina throughout the day -- whether you’re in a traditional office or a virtual one.


Sound Strategies: Professionalism, Vocal Health, and Pivoting in the Arts

Catered specifically towards high school students, this dynamic presentation explores strategies for success in the ever-changing performing arts industry and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to perform and receive live feedback in a masterclass style setting.

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